雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:art 艺术 您所在的位置:网站首页 paint a picture英语怎么说 雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:art 艺术

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:art 艺术

2023-07-14 14:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:art 艺术 艺术一直都是大多数考生比较头疼的问题。毕竟如果大家不是美术生的话 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:art 艺术

艺术一直都是大多数考生比较头疼的问题。毕竟如果大家不是美术生的话,日常生活中应该很少接触到相关的东西。 不过好在雅思口语考察的只是大家的语言能力,而不是艺术修养。所以我们就照实回答,表示自己了解的不多就好。


Do you like art? 你喜欢艺术吗?

Yes, I do. Art is one of the most efficient media to share ideas and information. Through art, we can show our dreams to the world, which we cannot express in words. Art is a universal language, like smile – cultures and languages pose no barrier to it.


Do you like visiting art galleries? 你喜欢去画廊吗?

No, I do not. In fact, I have only been there once ever since I was born. All those different styles and types of paintings seemed the same to me. I even thought the masterpiece of Picasso was not so different from the scrawls of a kid.


Do you want to be an artist? 你想要成为艺术家吗?

Actually no. As far as I am concerned, it seems pretty challenging for artists to feed themselves. I mean, if you are a world-renowned painter or musician, you can certainly earn an enormous amount of money, but most less well-known artists lead a poor life.


Do you like modern art or traditional art? 你喜欢现代艺术还是传统艺术?

Traditional art is more to my taste because it is easy to understand. I mean, I can feel the emotions and themes the authors try to convey effortlessly. By contrast, modern art is quite abstract. Even with explanations, I can barely find a clue.



Do you like drawing? 你喜欢画画吗?

I can only say I do not hate it. Sometimes, when I am bored during the class, I would draw sketches on the corner of the textbook. But they are often so abstract that nobody else can distinguish what they are. I wonder if they qualify the standard of paintings.


Do you want to learn more about art? 你想要更多的了解艺术吗?

No, I do not. I am a super fan of basketball. All of my spare time has been devoted to this sport, watching games and practising skills. This article is from Laokaoya webstie. I do not think I have any spare time, energy, or enthusiasm to learn about a completely alien area.


Did you learn drawing when you were a kid? 你小的时候学过画画吗?

No, I did not. Back then, I was obsessed with video games, like Super Mario, and did not want the drawing to distract my attention. Therefore, although my father actually proposed this, I refused him immediately.

Have you ever had art classes? 你上过艺术课吗?

Yes, I have. Back in primary school, my father used to sign me in a Chinese painting class to cultivate my taste for beauty. However, after a term’s study, I found I was not interested in this area at all and I even truanted a little. So I quitted the class and have never been to others ever since.


Is there any artwork on the wall in your room? 你房间的墙上挂有艺术品吗?

There is a picture of my idol hanging on the wall in my room. I do not know if it counts as an artwork. Compared to the famous paintings, I prefer to fall asleep with the company of my idol and see him/her at once when I wake up.


Have you ever visited an art gallery? 你曾经参观过画廊吗?

Yes, I have been to the national art gallery, which collects hundreds of marvelous paintings. However, this article is from Laokaoya website, I know nothing about painting. I can see these paintings are beautiful, but I cannot tell where their excellence lies and why they are collected and exhibited, while others are not.


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